
Showing posts from October, 2022

The Development Trend of Ultracapacitor Ups

The Development Trend of Ultracapacitor Ups Currently, supercapacitors are limited by their low energy density and are mainly used as an auxiliary power source, but are rarely used as the main power source. Great breakthroughs in the application field of the ultracapacitor ups market depend on continuous breakthroughs in ultracapacitor ups technology in the future, and the development trends of ultracapacitor ups are as follows: 1) Low cost and high ultracapacitor energy density . As the main power source of equipment or systems in the future, ultra capacitors will require high energy density and low cost; 2) Ultra-high power density, low maintenance cost, and long life. The development of supercapacitors to higher power density, maintenance-free, and long life will be able to compensate for the shortcomings of the low energy density of products to a certain extent, and can further expand the market share in some special fields. The organic system supercapacitors are expected to be

The Development Trend of Automotive Super Capacitor Technology in the Next Few Years

The development goal of automotive super capacitors is to continuously pursue higher energy and higher power products on the premise of maintaining long life, high safety and high reliability. Based on this goal, the current technology development trends mainly include the following aspects: 1. High performance and low cost carbon materials for super capacitors Carbon materials are the core key raw materials for super capacitors. Whether it is an electric double layer capacitor, a lithium ion capacitor or an energy hybrid super capacitor, the activated carbon material with higher capacity, long life and low cost is an indispensable part. At present, there are two main raw materials for common activated carbon materials: coconut shell charcoal with conventional capacity and low cost and coke with high capacity and high cost. The development of high-capacity and low-cost activated carbon materials is a goal that the super capacitor industry has been pursuing. 2. Advanced electrode ma

The Combination of Super Capacitor and Battery Improves Car Starting Performance

1. Improve electrical performance of super caps battery Compared with the start when the super capacitor is connected in parallel with the battery, the instantaneous voltage drop at start is increased from 3.2V to 7.2V when only the battery is used; the starting current is increased from 560A to 1200A; the instantaneous power output power is increased from 2kW to 8.7kW; the steady voltage during the starting process is increased from 7V to 9.4V; the steady current during the starting process is increased from 280A to 440A; the steady output power of the power supply during the starting process is increased from 2.44kW to 4.12kW. 2. Improve starting performance of super capacitors The parallel application of super capacitors and batteries can improve the starting performance of locomotives. Parallel super capacitors (450F/16.2V) with 12V, 45Ah batteries to start a car with a 1.9-liter diesel engine will start smoothly at 10℃, although in this case, when the super capacitor is not co


Specification Sheet of 6.0V Combined Type Supercaps Following are detailed specification of our 6.0v combined supercapacitor. If you need to buy super capacitor, please contact our sales team. Type name SP -6R0 Rated voltage VR 6.0V Surge voltage 6.3V Capacity range 0.1F~12F Operating temperature range -40 ~ +65℃ Product life Normal temperature cycle life : 25℃ , 500,000 cycles between VR and 1/2VR , Capacity attenuation≤30% , Internal resistance change≤4 times High temperature endurance life : 70℃ , Keep VR , 1000 hours. Capacity attenuation≤30% , Internal resistance change≤3 times.     If you want to know more about ultracapacitors why how and where is the technology, please visit our website. There are many supercapacitor manufacturers in China, but we are one of the best choices for you.    

Supercapacitors for Wind Energy

Capacitor for Wind Power As the fastest growing renewable energy power generation technology, wind power has broad application prospects. However, wind energy is a randomly varying energy source. Wind speed changes can cause fluctuations in the output power of wind turbines, which can affect the power quality of the grid. At present, the active power fluctuation of wind power mostly adopts the method of directly adjusting the operating state of the wind turbine to smooth its output power, but the power adjustment capability of the method is limited; the reactive power fluctuation usually adopts the parallel static reactive power compensation device for reactive power adjustment, but no The power compensation device cannot stabilize the active power fluctuations. By adding energy storage equipment, it is possible to adjust the reactive power, stabilize the bus voltage of the wind farm, and adjust the active power in a wide range. Wind power research shows that the fluctuating power at

Why Can a Dual-Powered Super Capacitor/Ultra Capacitor Electric Car Save Fuel? Why Can Pollution Be Reduced?

The biggest advantage of dual power ultracapacitor for electric vehicle is to give full play to super capacitor in the case of low speed and heavy load, the energy is not lost; in the case of deceleration, downhill, and braking, the energy can be recovered. Avoiding the internal combustion engine running at low speed and heavy load, and running at high speed and high load and oil consumption, the engine will always run in the optimum condition, which saves oil and reduces pollution. The dual power super capacitor electric car can save 30%~50% of the fuel and 70%~90% of pollution. —— Start-up stage: low speed, heavy load, and oil consumption; in this stage, the internal combustion generator unit operates in the optimum state, at which time it needs to start and accelerate with supercaps and charge to ultra capacitor. —— Normal Operation Stage: At this time, the internal combustion generator unit is operating in the optimum state and outputs power to the motor. At this time, the bus

Supercapacitors for UPS

The function of the super capacitor ups is often determined in the first few seconds to a few minutes after the power failure or the instantaneous collapse of the grid voltage. The battery needs to provide power during this period. The shortcomings of the battery itself need regular maintenance and short life, so that the UPS is running. It is necessary to always check the state of the battery. In a data protection backup system, the time required by the UPS is relatively short. The advantages of ultracapacitor ups are particularly pronounced, with output currents rising to hundreds of amps or even thousands of amps with almost no delay, and fast charging, energy storage in a short period of time, and 50,000 cycle life Do not need care for ten years, so that ups supercapacitor is truly maintenance-free. As one of supercapacitor manufacturers , we can offer kinds of super capacitor for sale, if you have needs, please contact us.